The order of the stick comic
The order of the stick comic


I remember watching it as a kid, but I just remember there's an episode where somebody gets killed, and Hoss just wants revenge, and I mean, like, dark fucking revenge. Over the pandemic, I was watching reruns of 'Bonanza,' and first of all, it completely holds up. These families banded together to defend themselves from these abusive land barons, and from that taking those matters into their own hands, La Cosa Nostra was born and became the authority and the law and the order of the land. If you’ve never read Rich Burlew’s OOTS before, you really should head over to giantitp.Sutter on What "The Abandons" Is About: "I've always been fascinated with the origins of La Cosa Nostra, how these Sicilian peasant families were being more than marginalized by the land barons and the aristocrats. Although OOTS has become more serious over the years than when it first started, with the stories becoming more involved and the plots becoming more intricate, the comic still has some incredibly funny moments and still manages to find so much humour within the role-playing and general fantasy genres in which to poke some good natured fun at. Considering that the strip has been coming out since 2003, and is still updated with new material regularly, it is quite an achievement. The Order of the Stick: Dungeon Crawlin' Fools collects the first 121 strips of the online comic, as well some bonus material. Together, these six zany characters make up The Order of the Stick, and their personalities, classes, backgrounds and experiences play off one another to make for one thoroughly enjoyable comic! What he lacks in size, he makes up in sadism and an endless amount of alignment jokes. Lastly, there’s the homicidal Halfling ranger, Belkar Bitterleaf. He’s also not the sharpest sword in the forge. He’s good looking but very naive, good natured and eager, but also kind of ineffectual and useless. Vaarsuvius brings a lot of power to the team, and a fair bit of elitism too. Vaarsuvius, the Elf spell caster is the epitome of the learned and pompous type of characters that wizards are often portrayed as. He is an amiable character, and doesn’t do much to dissuade the preconceived notions of the cleric always being a walking box of band-aids for an adventuring party, but his genial nature coupled with his stoic heritage give him a lot more depth as well. She often serves as a second in command or right hand to Roy, but as a rouge, the rest of the team are never really sure they can trust her, but really she has a heart of gold. She’s dexterous and agile, fast witted and sly. He can act rashly at times, but he’s also the glue the keeps the group together. He is very loyal to his friends, and quite intelligent, throwing a spanner into the generalization that fighters are dumb.

the order of the stick comic

There’s Roy, the leader of the group, a fighter by class.

the order of the stick comic

In The Order of the Stick: Dungeon Crawlin' Fools, we meet the group of heroes that make up the party that call themselves The Order of the Stick (OOTS). Who knew that stick figures could become such loved characters, or such humorous bad guys, and who knew they could relay a fantasy epic that has been running for more than 1000 online strips as well as numerous books containing the online strips as well as previously unpublished material (like Start of Darkness, which is a prequel telling us how the bad guys Redcloak and Xykon got together). It’s simplistically done, and maybe (starts off) a bit juvenile, but it’s also one of the funniest things I’ve ever read, and I’ve been following it religiously for years.


The Order of the Stick is an online comic about a bunch of stick figure D&D type characters, packed full with fantasy spoofs and role-playing gags.


Basically it’s a collection of really humorous D&D and fantasy jokes and amusing anecdotes compiled together into a series of comic strips. It’s just that crazy and silly and hilarious. It’s like Dungeons and Dragons meets Futurama but acted out by the cast of Monty Python. What is The Order of the Stick? It’s probably the comic equivalent of the rock band Green Jelly.

The order of the stick comic